Whether it's our eyes, our arms, or our legs, they all come in pairs. It would rarely occur to us to wear only one glove or one sock.
However, in some cases (lens loss or lens damage), you may have no choice but to wear only one contact lens.
Wearing only one lens - is it dangerous?

If this is the case, you can wear a contact lens in one eye for a maximum of one or two days. This is not recommended and should only be done in the event of an emergency!
While the vision in your eye is being corrected by the contact lens, your brain has to make a considerable effort to compensate for the blurred vision in the other eye.
Wearing only one lens can lead to headaches and, in some circumstances, to a short-lived squint.
Do you have eye inflammation that prevents you from wearing lenses in both eyes?
If your eyes are inflamed, you should use glasses. As already mentioned, wearing only one lens is very tiring for your brain.
In any case, we recommend that you consult an ophthalmologist and wear your old glasses if you only have one lens available for whatever reason.
Contact lenses are becoming increasingly popular, not least because they offer everyday visual comfort. They provide optimal vision correction and are easy to clean. They are also very comfortable to wear and do not interfere with your vision. Contact lenses are also very lightweight and can be worn for long periods of time. Finally, they do not require a frame and are therefore very convenient to carry.
Contact lenses are therefore an excellent choice for those looking for optimum visual comfort. Wear contact lenses! Contact lenses are a very practical way of correcting your vision. They can help you see better throughout the day. They're also easy to clean and maintain.