We know that when you place an order on the internet, you are eager to receive your package as soon as possible. We understand this, which is why all products in our e-commerce are sent exclusively with Post Pac Priority.

Shipping costs


Shipping costs for orders under CHF 100

 CHF 7

Shipping costs for orders of CHF 100 or more 



Delivery time

We know that when you place an order on the internet, you are eager to receive your package as soon as possible. We understand this, which is why all products in our e-commerce are sent exclusively with Post Pac Priority.

Your satisfaction is our priority! That's why 80% of our products are delivered within 10 days.

You can check the status of the delivery at any time by checking the status of your order in your account.

Shipping cost & DeliveryShipping cost & Delivery

*Shipments abroad are not possible at the moment.