Summer and winter, we partake in all sorts of indoor and outdoor activities. It’s hard to take full advantage of them with fogged-up glasses or a frame that stops you from seeing all around you.
Do you have a dynamic lifestyle? Do you cycle to work, exercise to unwind and recharge, and use your free time to see friends? These are all reasons for having higher and higher expectations of your quality of life and your experiences.
The best lenses for the best life experiences
We recommend Precision 1 daily disposable contact lenses, which are state of the art thanks to their SMARTSURFACE technology – an ultra-thin high-performance moisture layer on the surface of the lens that consists of over 80% water. What does that mean? It means lasting comfort and clear vision. In a nutshell: modern science.
How are contact lenses applied?
You’re now wearing Precision 1 lenses. We know you’ve just started doing so, and chances are you’ll have a few questions. Don’t worry, we’ve some useful tips and tricks to help you along the way.
There are different ways of applying your contact lenses safely. Our advice: follow your optician’s instructions.
Mistakes to avoid
Don’t use saliva! It contains impurities that can be harmful to your healthy eyes. That’s why you should never use saliva with your lenses.
Don’t sleep with your contact lenses in. Doing so greatly increases the risk of eye infection. If this has happened to you, to be on the safe side, have your eye checked by a professional.
Wash your hands before handling your lenses. This may seem obvious, but sometimes we forget to do it in the rush. Take the time to wash your hands thoroughly before inserting or removing your lenses. This will prevent any bacterial contamination that could cause an eye infection.
Respect the length of time you wear your lenses. Each type of lens has a specific wearing time, which can vary from a few hours to several weeks. Follow the manufacturer's instructions and don't wear your lenses for too long. If you wear your lenses for too long, your eyes may become tired and irritated.
Store your lenses properly. After each use, clean your lenses with a suitable solution and store them in their storage case. Change the solution in the storage case regularly to prevent bacterial contamination.
Consult your eye care professional for wear, care, precautions, warnings, contraindications and adverse effects.
Alcon Deutschland GmbH | Heinrich-von-Stephan-Straße 17 | 79100 Freiburg |
Alcon Switzerland SA | Dammstrasse 21 | 6300 Zug |
Alcon Ophthalmika GmbH | Am Tabor 44/Top 3.05.C | 1020 Wien | FN 62217x | HG Wien | www.alcon
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